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Are you interested in a product, need a consultation or would like to get a quote?

Please use the form or give us a call. We are there for you personally Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Im Hinteracker 7
76307 Karlsbad, Germany

T +49 7248 9207-0
F +49 7248 9207-11

Or Contact Form


1. Name and contact data for the controller for the processing and the company Data Privacy Officer
This data privacy information applies to data processing by:
Controller: Weber Ultrasonics AG (“WU AG”), Im Hinteracker 7, 76307 Karlsbad, Germany, email:, telephone: +49 (0) 7248 – 92070 fax: +49 (0) 7248 – 9207- 11
WU AG’s company Data Privacy Officer can be reached at the aforementioned address, or under


2. Collection and storage of personal data and the type and scope of its use

a) During website visits
Whenever you access our website, the browser used on your end device will automatically send information to our website’s server. That information will be stored in a log file temporarily. In so doing, the following information will be collected, without any action being required on your part, and stored until they are erased automatically:

  • IP address of the requesting computer,
  • Name and URL of the accessed file,
  • Website from which the access takes place (referrer URL), browser used, and possibly the operating system of your computer and the name of your access provider.

We will process the data mentioned for the following purposes:

  • Guaranteeing the connection to the website can be established smoothly,
  • Guaranteeing our website is easy to use,
  • Evaluating system security and stability and
  • Website from which the request comes
  • for other administrative purposes.

The legal basis for the data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest ensues from the above-listed purposes for data collection. In no case will we use the collected data to identify you.
Moreover, we will use cookies for analysis service when our website is visited. You can find additional explanations to that end under items 4 and 5 of this data privacy statement.

Cookie Preferences

b) When our contact form is used
If you have any questions, we offer you the opportunity to contact us using the form provided on the website. When doing so, you must provide a valid email address so we will know who is asking the question and be able to answer it. You may also provide additional information voluntarily.
If data is processed to establish contact with us, the legal basis is your voluntarily granted consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.
Any data we process so the contact formula can be used will be erased automatically after your question has been answered.


3. Forwarding of data
Your personal data will not be transmitted to third parties except for the following purposes.
We will forward your data to third parties only if:

  • You have given us your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR,
  • forwarding in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR is necessary to establish, exercise or defend against legal claims and there is no reason to assume that you have an overriding legitimate interest in your data not being forwarded,
  • we are obligated by the statutes to forward them in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, and
  • this is legally permitted and necessary to execute contractual relationships with you in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR.


4. Cookies
We use cookies on our website. These are small files which your browser creates automatically and which are stored on your end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone or the like) whenever you visit our site. Cookies do not damage your end device and contain no viruses, Trojans or other malware.
Information related to the specific end device used is brought about and stored in the cookie. But this gives us no direct knowledge of your identity.
Using cookies helps make our services more user-friendly for you. So we use session cookies to recognize that you have visited individual pages of our website. These will be erased automatically when you leave our site.
Moreover, we use temporary cookies to optimize user-friendliness. Those cookies are stored on your end device for a specified period. If you revisit our site to use our services, we will automatically recognize that you have visited us before, as well as which information you disclosed and which settings you changed, so you won’t have to do so again.
We also use cookies to record statistics about the use of our website and to evaluate the optimization of our services for you (see item 5). When you revisit our site, those cookies allow us to automatically recognize that you have visited it before. Those cookies will be erased automatically after a period of time defined for each case.
The data processed by the cookies are necessary for the purposes mentioned of protecting our legitimate interests and those of third parties, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.
Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser so that no cookies will be stored on your computer, or that a message will always appear before a new cookie is placed. But deactivating cookies completely might render some of our website’s functions unusable.

Cookie Preferences

5. Analysis Tools
a) Tracking tools
The tracking techniques we use, which are listed in the following, will be carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. We use tracking techniques to ensure our website is needs-based and continually optimized. We also use tracking techniques to record statistics about the use of our website and to evaluate the optimization of our services for you. Those interests are to be deemed legitimate for the purposes of the preceding provision.
The respective data processing purposes and data categories are revealed by the corresponding tracking techniques.

i) Google Analytics
To ensure our websites are needs-based and continually optimized, we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; „Google“). In this context, pseudonymized usage profiles are created and cookies used (see under item 4). The information the cookie generates about your use of this website, such as

  • browser type and version,
  • operating system used,
  • referrer URL (the previously visited site),
  • hostname of the accessing computer (IP address),
  • time of server request,

will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The information will be used to evaluate website use, compile reports on website activities, and render further services connected with website use and internet use for the purposes of market research and a needs-based design of these internet sites. This information might also be transmitted to third parties if this is prescribed by law or if those parties will be processing that information on a commissioned basis. In no case will your IP address be combined with other Google data. The IP addresses will be anonymized so that no allocation will be possible (IP masking).
You can prevent the cookies from being installed by adjusting your browser settings accordingly, but we must point out that if you do you might not be able to use all our website’s functions to their full extent.
You can also prevent Google from collecting and evaluating the data the cookie generates about your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser add-on here.
As an alternative to the browser add-on, especially for browsers on mobile end devices, you can prevent collection by Google Analytics by clicking this link. An opt-out cookie will be placed which will prevent your data from being collected when you visit this website in the future. The opt-out cookie will apply only to this browser, and only to our website, and will be placed on your device. If you erase the cookies in this browser, you must place the opt-out cookie again.
You can find additional information about data privacy in connection with Google Analytics in the Google Analytics Help.

ii) Google Adwords conversion tracking
To statistically record the use of our website, and to optimize our website for you, we also use Google conversion tracking. As part of that use, Google Adwords will place a cookie (see item 4) on your computer if you arrived at our website through a Google ad.
Those cookies become invalid after 30 days and cannot be used to identify you. If the user visits certain pages of the Adwords customer’s website and the cookie has not expired, Google and the customer can recognize that the user has clicked the ad and been redirected to this site.
Every Adwords customer receives a different cookie. Therefore, cookies cannot be tracked over the websites of Adwords customers. The information obtained with the help of the conversion cookie serves to create conversion statistics for Adwords customers who have opted for conversion tracking. The Adwords customers learn the total number of users who have clicked on their ad and were redirected to a site provided with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not obtain any information which can be used to identify the user personally.
If you do not wish to participate in the tracking procedure, you can reject the placement of a cookie which is required to do so – in the browser settings, for example, which will deactivate the automatic placement of cookies in general. You can also deactivate cookies for conversion tracking by changing your browser settings so that cookies from the domain “” will be blocked. You will find Google’s data privacy information on conversion tracking here.


6. Social Media Plug-ins
On our website, we use social plug-ins from the social networks Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube, on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. The underlying commercial and informative purpose is to be deemed a legitimate interest for the purposes of the GDPR. The responsibility for data-privacy-compliant business operations is to be guaranteed by the provider in question. We incorporate this plug-in by way of the “two-click” method, to provide visitors to our website the best possible protection.

a) Facebook
The company Weber Ultrasonics AG has integrated no plug-ins from the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. You’ll find an overview of Facebook plug-ins here: Facebook Plugins.
Activating a direct link to Facebook from our site will establish a connection between your browser and the Facebook server. This informs Facebook that you have visited our site with your IP address. This allows Facebook to assign the visit to our sites to your user account if you are logged in to that account when you make the visit.
We point out that, as providers of the sites, we are not informed of the content of the transmitted data or their use by Facebook. You can find additional information to that end in Facebook’s data privacy statement under Data Policy.
If you do not want Facebook to be able to assign your visit to our sites to your Facebook user account, please log out of that account.

b) YouTube
We use the service “YouTube,” which is operated by Google LLC (“Google”), Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, to present videos and play them for you in a technically correct manner. This processing is based on Art. 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is in tracking the enhancement of your user experience and the optimization of our services.
YouTube might place a cookie on your device, on which certain information on showing and reproducing videos is stored and transmitted to YouTube. We have no influence on data processing by YouTube. You will find additional information in the data privacy statement of YouTube/ Google:
Data Privacy Policy.
There you will obtain information about your rights and how to change the settings to ensure data privacy.

7. Rights of the Data Subject
You have the right:

  • under Art. 15 GDPR to demand information about the personal data concerning you which we are processing. In particular, you can demand information about the processing purpose, the category of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage period, the existence of a right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing or objection, the existence of the right to complain, the origin of your data if they were not collected by us, and the existence of an automatic decision-making process, including profiling and any meaningful information about its details;
  • under Art. 16 GDPR, to demand that incorrect or incomplete personal data concerning you which we are storing be rectified;
  • under Art. 17 GDPR, to demand that personal data concerning you which we are storing be erased, unless that processing is necessary to exercise the right to free expression of opinion and information, to fulfill a legal obligation, for reasons of the public interest, or to establish, assert or defend against legal claims;
  • under Art. 18 GDPR, to demand the restriction of the processing of your personal data if (1) you contest the correctness of the data, (2) the processing is unlawful, but you waive your right to have those data erased and we no longer need them, but you need them to establish, assert or defend against legal claims, or (3) you have lodged an objection against the processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR;
  • under Art. 20 GDPR, to demand that your personal data which you have provided to us be sent to you in a structured, currently used and machine-readable format, or that those data be transmitted to another controller;
  • under Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR, to revoke at any time a consent you have granted to us. This will prohibit us from continuing the data processing based on that consent, and
  • under Art. 77 GDPR, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can normally contact the supervisory authority in your normal residence or workplace, or office address


8. Right to Object
If your personal data are processed on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, under Art. 21 GDPR you may lodge an objection against the processing of your personal data if there are reasons arising from your particular situation or the objection is aimed at direct advertisement. In the latter case, you have a general right of objection which we will carry out without the need for you to disclose a particular situation.
If you would like to assert your right of revocation or objection, sending an email to will be sufficient.


9. Data Security
Within a website visit, we use the popular SSL procedure (Secure Socket Layer) in combination with the highest encryption level supported by your browser. Normally, a 256-bit encryption is involved. If your browser does not support 256-bit encryption, we will rely on 128-bit v3 technology instead. You will be able to tell whether an individual page of our internet presence is transmitted in encrypted form by the locked presentation of the key or lock symbol in the lower status bar of your browser.
Otherwise, we use suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulations, partial or complete loss, destruction, and unauthorized third-party access. Our security measures are continually improved to keep up with technological progress.


10. Amending this data privacy statement and keeping it up to date
This data privacy statement is currently valid and was last revised in May 2018.

It can be necessary to amend this data privacy statement due to refinements of our website and the offers made on it, or due to altered statutory or official regulations. You can always access and print out the current data privacy statement on our website.